Friday, October 18, 2013

Drug smuggler who is recovering from first hanging to be re-hang

So far in 2013, the Iranian authorities are believed to have executed a total of at least 508 people, including 221 executions that have not been officially confirmed, said the human rights group.

Iran is second only to China in the number of people it puts to death for crimes ranging from murder and rape to spying and drug-trafficking.

It is natural that the Iranian authorities must combat the serious social, security and economic problems relating to drug trafficking and drug abuse,' added Mr Luther. 'But the reliance on the death penalty to combat drug trafficking is misguided and in violation of international law.'

One family member told Iran's state-run media: 'When we were told the death sentence had been carried out, we went to collect his body to prepare for a memorial service.

'But when we went to the coroner's office we found him alive again, which made his two daughters very happy.'

Once officials were told Alireza M had survived, they put him under armed guard at the hospital to await a second execution.

A judiciary official told the state media: 'The verdict was the death sentence, and it will be carried out once the man gets well again.'

Iran has executed an estimated 560 people this year - including around 200 that have been put to death since new 'moderate' president Hassan Rouhani came to power in June.

Rouhani vowed to end the repression of the previous regime, but human rights groups have said executions have actually increased under his rule.

Iran has the highest rate of executions per capita and puts to death more people annually than any nation except China.

Many of the condemned are executed for theft, drugs-related offences, not following the rules of Islam or criticising the government. 

They are often hanged publicly in town centres or from bridges and cranes.

Maryam Namazie, of the campaign group Iran Solidarity, said: 'Rouhani was quoted saying he wanted to empty the prisons - it seems the regime intends to do so via executions.'

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