Wednesday, September 25, 2013

'White widow': Samantha Lewthwaite linked to Nairobi attack

Witnesses to the Kenyan shopping centre massacre have said a woman who spoke English was one of the attackers.

The developments come as British counter-terrorism officials try to establish if Britons were involved in the attack, and whether or not Samantha Lewthwaite, already wanted for terror offences in Kenya, commanded the killers.

Lewthwaite is the widow of Jermaine Lindsay, one of the 7/7 suicide bombers.

On Monday, Kenyan officials said all the attackers were men. Hours later the foreign minister said a British woman who had repeatedly been involved in terrorist activity was among the attackers.

Her associate and fellow Briton, Germaine Grant, is due to go on trial on Tuesday in Kenya for terrorism offences, with Scotland Yard officers expected to testify against him.

A Kenyan newspaper, The Star, said survivors recalled a woman giving orders as the attackers stormed the shopping centre.

It said two employees of the Radio Africa Group told the newspaper that "a woman appeared to be giving orders." They added: "One said her face was covered but she had a woman's arms and body. She was not carrying a gun but had a large bag around her waist."

The witnesses said she gave instructions in English which would be translated into Swahili as the attackers took hold of the shopping centre.

The paper quoted a witness as saying: "The woman was not armed but as soon as she issued orders, the men would go on a killing rampage."

Another witness said: "It was definitely a woman because we could tell it from the voice."
The paper said security officials who have viewed CCTV footage of the attack agree there is a light skinned or even Caucasian person among the attackers. But some officials believe it is a woman with a pony tail while others believe that is being confused for a bandana.

The British home secretary, Theresa May, supported the UK official line by saying next to nothing about claims that Britons were a part of the terror attack. On a visit to Pakistan, May said: "I'm aware of the reports that there has been a British woman involved.

"At this time until we've seen the investigation completed, it's not possible to comment further. As I indicated earlier, I'm not able to give further details."

It also emerged that the grandmother of Lewthwaite, originally from Banbridge, Northern Ireland, had been admitted to hospital due to stress, it was claimed.

Elizabeth Allen, from Banbridge, Co Down, was given a panic alarm by police to contact if her granddaughter made contact.

Joan Baird, a veteran Ulster Unionist councillor in Banbridge who knows the family, said: "This is so distressing for everyone. Mrs Allen is 85 and she is in and out of hospital. It is just so distressing.
"Certainly, everybody in the town is shocked and distressed by the news."

On Monday, Kenya's foreign minister said a British woman who has allegedly taken part in terrorist activity "many times before" was among the attackers .

Amina Mohamed said the militant acted alongside "two or three" Americans during the atrocity in Nairobi which has left at least 62 people dead, including six Britons.

Lewthwaite is known to be in east Africa and is wanted by Kenyan police over alleged links to a terror cell that planned a coastal bombing campaign.

In March last year, officials said she had fled to Somalia and that officers were hunting a woman who used several identities.

The Kenyan authorities had claimed all the militants involved in the three-day mall siege were men, but Mohamed appeared to contradict this in a US television interview on Monday.

"From the information that we have, two or three Americans [were involved] and I think so far I have heard of one Brit ... a woman ... and I think she has done this many times before," she told the PBS NewsHour programme.

Mohamed said the Americans were 18 to 19 years old, of Somali or Arab origin and lived "in Minnesota and one other place" in the US.

US officials said they were looking into whether any Americans were involved. State department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said it had "no definitive evidence of the nationalities or the identities" of the attackers.

White House spokesman Ben Rhodes said US officials have seen "reports coming out of al-Shabaab that indicate information along those lines", referring to possible involvement of Americans in the attack. "But we have to run those to ground, of course," he said. "We do monitor very carefully and have for some time been concerned about efforts by al-Shabaab to recruit Americans or US persons to come to Somalia.

"This is an issue that has been tracked very closely by the US government, and it's one that we'll be looking into in the days ahead."

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