Monday, July 8, 2013

Fatima's Wish - To Be the Last Girl Standing

Fatima had only one desire Monday morning: "It's time to get rid of all the females and I want to be the only female in the house," she brazenly told Biggie in her nominations diary session. It drew a huge sigh from many a viewer. Fatima was towing a dangerous part by openly declaring her intentions to be the 'only girl in the game'. Even if Africa yielded to that wish - which would not happen - Fatima would not be able to take home the $300,000 prize. But why aim so low, Fatima?

And also be thoughtless about your 'grand scheme'?
At this stage of the competition, Fatima has made very few friends - both within and outside the Big Brother Africa house. "She has not gotten to know other people well, "Sulu told Biggie as he put her up for possible eviction this week. Feza pointed to the 'lot of stress' Fatima was under: "She was flipping and too negative around me."

Oneal had one word to describe Fatima's game: flip flop. Her penchant for 'flaring up' was Angelo's reason as he put her up. For him, it meant the Malawian mother of one, was not being real. Annabel was rather patronising: "She is the person I least connect with," she told Biggie.

Unfortunately, her 'hide-and-seek' lover, Elikem, left her to her possible eviction fate. He chose to save and swap himself (for Angelo) instead of 'laying down his life for his sister of inestimable value.' Did you ask what manner of love? It is an 'undying' love.

What will Pokello do?

Pokello may (or may not) have returned to the Ruby house by the time you are reading this. But one thing is clear in Nathan's mother's mind - she will deal with Tanzania's Feza. What did Feza do? For daring to ship her to Diamonds house against her wishes!!! Oh God, the much vituperation of us humans is so laughable.

While you are it Pokello, please ensure that Feza does not become Ruby HOH on your return and has the opportunity to send you back to Diamonds presented all over again. If she does, she will not hesitate to send your packing your 'make-up inspired' ego back to the Diamonds house.

Natasha's 'Beverry' beef

Natasha spent the better part of early Wednesday morning 'updating' Feza and Annabel about her first two week's highlights in Big Brother Africa. Nothing was covertly wrong with that but in anything Natasha does, there is a veiled intention to 'shine' and appear good in front of housemates and Africa.

 While Feza and Annabel battled to stay neutral, Natasha spoke in length of all the 'excesses' of 'Beverry,' the 21-year old Nigerian model who is now in the Diamond's house.

 Africa may just need to vote Beverly out of the game just to make Mama Natasha 'grad and berieve Berverry' *in her accent* is not her enemy for life and has indeed moved on.

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