Tuesday, July 9, 2013

4 AIGs, 191 senior police officers face disciplinary committee

In its avowed determination to rid the force of indiscipline and bad image, the police high command through its Force Disciplinary Committee (FDC) yesterday commenced the trial of four Assistant Inspectors General of Police (AIG) and 17 Commissioners of Police (CP) for various offences.

Also summoned for trial on cases bordering on misconduct, negligence of duty, discreditable acts, criminal acts and conspiracy are six Assistant Commissioners of Police, and several Chief Superintendentof Police (CSP), Superintendent of Police (SP) and Assistant Superintendentof Police (ASP).

It was reliably gathered that some of the officers are also being tried for  alleged involvement in manslaughter, human rights abuses, accidental discharge, unlawful detention, collusion with Boko Haram and covering criminal acts.

If found guilty by the Force Disciplinary Committee whose recommendations will be submitted to the Inspector General of Police and the Police Service Commission, they will face such punishment as dismissal, reprimand, serious reprimand, demotion in rank, exoneration. They could also be charged to court in cases involving murder, manslaughter or conniving with terrorists.

Addressing newsmen shortly before the commencement of the meeting of the committee members at force headquarters, the chairman of the committee and Deputy Inspector General of Police in charge of Administration, Suleiman Fakai, stated that before the assumption of office of Mr Mohammed Abubakar as IG in January 2012, there were over 3, 000 pending disciplinary cases, adding that the cases have all been cleared.

Consequently, one Commissioner of Police, one Assistant Commissioner of Police, one Chief Superintendent of Police,  two Superintendent of Police, one Deputy Superintendent of Police and eight Assistant Superintendent of Police were dismissed from the force. Those sent on compulsory retirement include two Chief Superintendent of Police, one Superintendent of Police and 13 Assistant Superintendent of Police.

Those who were demoted include one Deputy Commissioner of Police, three Chief Superintendent of Police, seven Superintendent of Police, one Deputy Superintendent of Police and 10 Assistant Superintendent of Police.

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