Monday, June 24, 2013

Malawi’s Natasha survives again: Still in The Chase for $300k BBA

Natasha: Still in it

Malawi’s Big Brother representative Natasha Tonthola on Sunday survived her fourth nomination in a roll in the Big Brother Africa and continue to be in ‘The Chase’ for the $300,000 ultimate prize after Botswana’s Motamma and Ethiopia’s Betty were given the eviction boot.

The self-styled Mama Africa’s survival has driven jitters down the spines of her detractors who have mercilessly put her up for eviction for four straight weeks.
She pointed out to her fellow housemates that it is “disheartening” that has been the “only one who has been nominated every week.”

After a grueling week of voting, Africa decided to save Elikem, Oneal, Bolt, Nando, Betty and Natasha from possible Eviction and left the two sexy girls to hang at the gallows.
Natasha: Still in it

This week, Motamma made the Nominations list for the first time since her Chase journey started and unfortunately proved to not be the strongest of contenders.
Here’s who which country voted for:

Angola: Oneal
Botswana: Oneal
Ghana: Elikem
Kenya: Nando
Ethiopia: Betty
Malawi: Natasha
Namibia: Nando
Nigeria: Nando
South Africa: Oneal
Sierra Leone: Bolt
Tanzania: Nando
Uganda: Nando
Zambia: Natasha
Zimbabwe: Natasha
Rest of Africa: Oneal
Total: Nando = 5; Oneal = 4; Natasha =3, Bolt = 1, Elikem = 1, Betty = 1, Motamma = 0. (Total: 15 Votes)

Please Note: Tie-breaker rules were applied to Betty, Bolt and Elikem as they each had one popularity vote. The housemate with the lowest average percentage across all countries is Betty, and therefore she was Evicted.

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