Sunday, July 7, 2013

Football referee `stoned, quartered then beheaded` for stabbing player

A referee was reportedly beheaded during an amateur football match in Brazil in retaliation for stabbing a player.

According to the Mirror, the incident occurred when referee Octavio da Silva Cantanhede Jordan, allegedly carrying a knife, stabbed player Josenir dos Santos Abreu during a match last Sunday, after Abreu refused to leave the field even after being sent off and instead started insulting Jordan.

The report further said that after the stabbing, enraged spectators reportedly ran onto the pitch, tied up Jordan and stoned him to death, before quartering and finally decapitating him, adding that it is also alleged that Jordan`s head was impaled on a stake and then planted in the middle of the pitch.

The report also said that although Abreu was taken to the hospital, he, however, died of his injuries, adding that a man is said to be arrested with the police searching for two more suspects.

Stating that reports of witnesses have indicated some people who were in the place at the time of the incident, police chief Valter Costa said that they would identify and hold to account anyone involved in the incident.

Costa further said that a crime never justifies another crime, adding that such actions do not collaborate with the legality of the state law. 

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