Saturday, May 18, 2013

RVP: United Not City Rule Manchester

Manchester United striker Robin van Persie believes Monday's Premier League trophy parade proves his side have the dominant share of fans in the city.
While Manchester City fans are quick to insist the region is predominantly blue, claiming a large number of Old Trafford regulars come from afar, Van Persie is confident a large proportion of United's supporter base is local.

"I spoke to Nigel de Jong a couple of years ago when he was playing for City," Van Persie told MUTV. "He said in Manchester there were only City fans and United's come from different cities all over the world.
"It sounded a bit weird. I have to adjust him on that now and say it is definitely not true. It is at least 50-50, or, after last Monday, maybe it is 80-20."
The parade was the first time van Persie had celebrated a trophy since Arsenal's FA Cup win over Cardiff in 2005 and the Netherlands international insists the rousing reception has made him yearn for success even more.
"It just came out of nowhere," he said. "There were more and more people appearing as the tour went on. I saw people on roofs, on balconies, on traffic lights. They were absolutely everywhere.
"There is one picture of people of so many people hanging out of a building. I had a lot of nice pictures before but there was one thing missing. Now I have some with the trophy and fans. We couldn't wish for more."
Van Persie is set to win the Premier League's golden boot, with his 25 goals keeping him two above the suspended Luis Suarez and five above Gareth Bale, but the striker was more focused on making history with United than stealing headlines this season.
"I do remember speaking about number 20 and that I wanted to win it for the club," he said. "To be able to achieve it is incredible because no other club has done that before. It has been an amazing season and we are deserving champions."

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